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Is there a 2000 watt Pep SSB limit?

2.) There never was an established 2000watt PEP input SSB limit. The 2000 watts PEP SSB was *roughly* guessed at by the FCC specified response time of meters and "typical" voices. The rule ALWAYS was the maximum the plate meter could swing up to, 1Kw DC. That was true for SSB, CW, and AM.

What is the peak-to-carrier ratio for Pep?

when measuring PEP the increase in power above the resting unmodulated carrier with a modulation index of 100% is 6db.. 100W + 6db. = 400W. the peak-to-carrier ratio is 4:1. wrong.

Is there a good VSWR meter for Pep?

Living with PEP. I am surprised through all this discussion no one has mentioned the excellent VSWR meter by RF Applications. This is an HF digital meter that is as accurate as the Bird 43, handles 3KW and shows output power as a figure, as a relative bar graph and shows the SWR as a figure, all at the same time.

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